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Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, Job offer in Orléans, Ontario

Job description
  • Communicates / shares the Vision, Mission, Goals and Core Values of the organization to all team members.
  • Creates and shares a department vision that supports the organizational goals in a way that excites and motivates team members– able to articulate a vision for optimum resident care.
  • Creates a supportive environment for team members to foster individual motivation that results in high levels of both individual and team performance.
  • Develops employees through coaching and counseling.
  • Exhibits a passion and enthusiasm for retirement community (i.e. possesses a desire to “make a difference”).
  • Recognizes achievement by both individuals and departments when appropriate.
  • Ensures that employees understand their role in the department / organization and how important their contribution is to our success.
  • Participates in community activities to promote our Home specifically and Retirement Living generally.
  • Must be able to read, speak and write English

Continuous Quality Improvement

  • Seeks to continuously improve department services and performance.
  • Seeks performance feedback from a desire to continually improve their performance.
  • Consults with team members and peers to obtain ideas for improving the quality of processes and services.
  • Keeps abreast of new trends and best practices in health care and recreation for seniors.

Fiscal Responsibility

  • Manages total expenses so that these are less than or equal to budget set in the annual budget process.
  • Involves team members in budget planning on an annual basis.
  • Ensures team members understands their role in the financial success of the department

Core Competencies

  • Creativity
  • Sense of humour
  • Amazing curiosity
  • Personable, friendly, welcoming
  • Calm, even-tempered
  • Not afraid to share information and not afraid to ask for help.
  • Articulate / Initiative
  • Diploma in Recreation and Leisure Studies and / or Diploma in Therapeutic Recreation
  • Adjuvant (HCA/nursing background with OT/PT/ST).
  • Experience / education in cognitively impaired resident and behaviour issues.
  • 3 years experience in a Retirement Home Environment

Assessment Skills

  • Understanding of Palliative Care issues and related community resources.
  • Able to qualify for certification / registration by Ontario – Therapeutic Recreation Ontario and / or Activity Professionals of Ontario

Other considerations:

  • You must pass a Vulnerable sector back ground check.
  • You must be able to work with Dogs and Cats and other animals, allergies or other needs cannot be accommodated.
  • Due to our high level of residents with dementia; your tattoos and piercings must either remained covered by clothing or are discrete. Any other external body decoration, including hair, must not be frightening to a frail senior with dementia.
  • You must be legally allowed to work in Canada.
  • You must be in good physical health as this job requires lifting, sitting, standing and walking.
  • Must be able to read and write in English to a minimum High School Level.
  • Available on call and in emergency situations.
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